World Refugee Day : Agriculture and livestock farming in Muhanga to fight against hunger in the families of Burundian refugees

The originality of this article is published by the online newspaper Almost all the Burundian refugees who live in Muhanga, one of the districts of the southern province of Rwanda which shelters more than 700 burundian refugees, say that they left their country, Burundi, in 2015, during the riots Continuer

The FMV for inter-religious tolerance and active non-violence

The Non-Governmental Organisation “Forum pour la Mémoire Vigilante, FMV” conducted a series of training for young refugees and religious leaders living in and around Mahama camp located in Kirehe District in eastern Rwanda. The central themes were inter-religious understanding, tolerance and non-active violence. FMV is carrying out this activity with Continuer

Rwanda: Fundraising for Education of refugee children

Fundraising…   An envelope of forty-five million five hundred thousand Rwandan francs (RWF 45,500,000 or approximately $ 45,500) is needed to support the education of 15% of the children in need of help during the 2021-2022 school year. Among them, 70 are from primary school. They need 21,000,000 (21,000 Continuer